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2018-P GA 25c CRDR-001


Doubling to the east-northeast where the right side of the egret's leg meets the horizon.

Die Markers:
Obverse: Die gouge between the bottoms of the E and R in LIBERTY. Two die gouges through the upper left side of the Q in QUARTER. Numerous die gouges to the right of the first L in DOLLAR. Die gouge below the last A in AMERICA. Die gouge to the right of the D in UNITED. Numerous die gouges below the chin and in the back of the hair.
Reverse: Die crack connects the right wing tip to the outer ring. Die chip in the right side of the W in the designers initials DW. Die gouge above the right side of the M in UNUM. Die gouge above the right side of the N in UNUM. Die gouge to the right of the 8 in 2018.

Submitted by: Tanner Scott


2018pga25ccrdr001.1573087979.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 11/07/2019 00:52 UTC by Tanner Scott