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1974-D 1c WRPM-002


D/D Titled (Rotated)

Cross-References: CONECA: RPM #1, Coppercoins: 1974D-1MM-004

Die Markers:
Obverse: Large Date. Stage A: Die gouge on Lincoln’s lapel. Die scratch under D in GOD. Stage B: Die gouge on Lincoln’s lapel still present. Die gouges South and West of E in WE. Die gouges (dots) right of S and T in STATES. Die gouge (dot) in field at level of Lincoln’s eyebrow.
Reverse: Stage A: Die scratch through T in UNITED. Die scratch under U in UNITED. Die scratch NNW through lower left memorial base. Stage B: Die scratch NNW through lower left memorial base still present. Die scratch under U in UNITED still present. Die gouge inside U in UNITED. Die gouge left of T in UNITED. A die crack runs from the upper right cornice to just under I in AMERICA. Heavy die gouges under AM in AMERICA. Die gouge in lower E in ONE.

Submitted by: Lloyd Handon (Stage A) and Ben Peters (Stage B) (Discovered by Ben Peters)


Stage A:

Stage B:

1974d1cwrpm002.txt · Last modified: 07/05/2022 01:19 UTC by Tanner Scott