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1988-D 1c WRPM-012


D/D North

Comments: The examples seen were all from special mint sets.

Cross-References: CONECA: RPM #6, Coppercoins: 1988D-1MM-006

Die Markers:
Obverse: Stage A: Light N/S die gouge between the vest and the rim. Stage B: Short N/S die scratch between the upper area of GOD WE. Short N/S die scratch between the lower area of IN.
Reverse: Stage A: Die gouge at the lower left-hand side of the C in AMERICA. Stage B: Short N/S gouge below the right side of the S in PLURIBUS.

Submitted by: Lloyd Hanson (Stage A & B)


Stage A:

Stage B:

1988d1cwrpm012.txt · Last modified: 12/30/2022 01:55 UTC by Tanner Scott