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2018-P RI 25c SDDR-004


The second feather above the horizon is doubled to the east.

Die Markers:
Obverse: Die gouge above the O in DOLLAR. Die gouge left of the mintmark P. Die gouge far to the left of the first T in TRUST. Die gouge above and to the left of the G in GOD. Die gouge between the tops of the E and R in AMERICA. Die gouge inside the upper portion of the first S in STATES. Die gouge touches the lower left of the D in UNITED.
Reverse: Die cracks on the top of the heron. Two die gouges to the left of the building. A die gouge in the waves far above the designers' initials PH. Die gouge in the field at around 2:30.

Submitted by: Tanner Scott


2018pri25csddr004.txt · Last modified: 05/01/2022 04:29 UTC by Tanner Scott